Law EnforcementSPC to honor Law Enforcement Academy graduates on Aug. 3
David EtheredgeSouth Plains College names biology wing to honor David Etheredge
Distinguished Alumni NominationsSouth Plains College seeks nominations for 2023 Distinguished Alumni
Truck Driving SchoolSPC's Truck Driving School provides career opportunities in short time period
ALERRT Regional Training CenterSPC Reese Center hosts ribbon cutting for ALERRT Regional Training Center Friday
Upward BoundSPC's Upward Bound students slate concert on June 27
Welding ExpansionSPC will host Ribbon Cutting and Open House for Welding Expansion on June 28
ALERRTSPC Reese Center to host ribbon cutting for ALERRT Regional Training Center J...
Explore the ArtsArea youths encouraged to attend 'Explore the Arts' camp in July at SPC