Certified Nurse AideSPC looking for students for Certified Nurse Aide course
Basic PhlebotomySPC seeks students for basic phlebotomy course starting Oct. 10
Pickleball AmbassadorSouth Plains College to bring pickleball ambassador to campus on Sept. 30
Certified Nurse AideSpaces available for Certified Nurse Aide class at South Plains College
Wheeler Science CenterSouth Plains College to host ribbon cutting Friday
Ribbon CuttingLevelland community invited to ribbon cutting at SPC on Sept. 9
Certified Nurse AideSPC to offer Certified Nurse Aide class Sept. 12 through Oct. 14
Fall Quilting OrientationSpaces available for SPC fall quilting orientation class on Sept. 6
SPC Downtown Lubbock CenterClasses begin at SPC Downtown Lubbock Center on Monday